MAP for Lumbar Spine, Pelvis & Sacrum

MAP for Lumbar Spine, Pelvis & Sacrum

Myotatic Activation Procedures for the Lumbar Spine, Pelvis & Sacrum

Why would you want to do this course?

Lower Back Pain (LBP) is one of the most common conditions we as physiotherapists see, although it may still present us with a challenge every day. When the cause of the problem is correctly identified, it can be very responsive to treatment.

MAP provides a fresh approach to the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of LBP. During the course you will discover the roles of the Pelvis and Sacrum in determining the basis for LBP. The course will further provide you with the MAP and necessary tools to identify the specific biomechanical dysfunction of the SIJ, ISJ, Pubis symphysis and L5/S1 and teach you how to treat the specific causes of LBP effectively.

MAP works!! The techniques provide a 3-in-1 Neuro-musculoskeletal solution in only 25 seconds. Come, see and feel the results for yourself. This course will definitely change the way you view and treat LBP.

Course highlights:
  • Understand how the Pelvis, Sacrum and Lumbar vertebrae relate, interact and compensate;
  • L5 is the weakest link – MAP will show you its strengths;
  • Sort out SIJ pain once and for all - discover the Sacrum;
  • Come to grips with Piriformis syndrome and Sciatica - make the difference;
  • Resolve hip & groin problems - find the hidden Pubic dysfunction;
  • Give athletes the edge in their performance by eliminating predisposed factors that can cause injury.

Comments from course participants:
  • Wow! Excellent! Very practical. I will apply the techniques tomorrow.
  • This is a must for every physio!!! I will look at my patients a lot differently, and also phone a few to use my new tool and correct their problems.
  • Brilliantly presented – very insightful.
  • New techniques – so simple, yet so effective!!
  • Very relevant & practical – and it works! I learned a lot. 
  • Very excited to try out new techniques. The manual makes it easy to learn. Thanx!