Myotatic Activation Procedures (MAP) is a process of assessment, diagnosis and treatment of Biomechanical Dysfunction and explores the dynamic interaction between muscles, joints and nerves.
The focus of MAP is to restore function. This is achieved by treating the cause of pain, rather than pain itself.
MAP is a systematic method of evaluating and treating dysfunctions of the neuro-musculoskeletal system through the application of specific manual soft tissue techniques. These involve gentle isometric contractions to address and treat biomechanics in order to increase or decrease mobility, relieve pain and restore joint specific stability and normal function.
This allows the body to align and correct itself, resulting in improved spinal mobility and alignment without the need for passive manipulation.
MAP utilises techniques that are effective, precise and easy to apply. The technique provides a 3-in-1 Neuro-musculoskeletal solution in only 25 seconds - and yes, it works!!
MAP is an interactive technique where the patient participates actively and experiences immediate changes in mobility with reduction in pain.
MAP compliments Maitland, Mulligan, McKenzie, and other mobilisation techniques and is appropriate for patients of all ages and any activity level.
MAP courses introduce new principles and will challenge your way of thinking! Come, see and feel the results for yourself.